Bullseye Konsult (Pty) Ltd is a Social Impact Investment Firm focused on supporting innovative and impactful social enterprises by using the power of business to address social and environmental challenges.

The Company believes that businesses can drive positive change in the world while also generating financial returns for investors.

To further our mission, the Company is launching the Public Listing of Social Impact Investment Note/s on the Cape Town Stock Exchange through its Domestic Medium Term Note Programme.

This listing will provide investors with the opportunity to invest in a diversified portfolio of Social Impact Investments.

Social Impact Investments achieve social or environmental change by directing capital towards projects or companies that have measurable positive outcomes on society, environment and address pressing social and environmental issues while generating financial returns.

This approach not only benefits communities in the short term by providing much-needed resources and opportunities but also creates lasting change by promoting sustainable, ethical practices that contribute to a more equitable and environmentally conscious society in the long term.

The Company works with various target Social Impact enterprises that have the potential to create meaningful impact in areas such as education, healthcare, sustainable agriculture, and renewable energy, amongst others.

Our team of experienced social impact investment management specialists and industry experts verify and monitor these enterprises to ensure they are well-positioned for success and contribute to the mission of the Company:

Cultivating Growth & Harvesting Prosperity!

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Bullseye Konsult (Pty) Ltd (2016/407012/07)

Tel: 021 023 2021

Email: [email protected]

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